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Who Asked for It?

Who Asked for It is a game show where you are quizzed on on your dreams falling from a place like heaven in the sky is where a tango lasts an eternity.

Originally premiered at Dances Made To Order


100 Kilometers to 100 Dancers

Animation of our trip from Magdeburg, Germany to Copenhagen, Denmark for the 100 Dancers event. It was actually 604 kilometers.


Quince Missing (the meeting edit)

To see it in High Definition full screen watch it on Vimeo

This is a 4 minute version of Quince Missing. Just one duet from a 16 minute dance film. It captures a slice of time in dance. It is nite. In the streets. Two strangers try to pass by each other.

Director: Rajendra Serber. Dancers: Jose Navarrete, Nol Simonse. Director of Photography: Jessica Fisher. Music: The Genie, Cheryl Leonard. Production made possible by EMPAC DANCE MOViES Commission 2009-2010.


Dolores Sugar High

To see it in High Definition full screen watch it on Vimeo

Dolores Sugar High features Kira Kirsch and Hana Erdman eating ice cream and dancing with wild abandon in Dolores Park.

Director Rajendra Serber. Also featuring Iu-Hui Chua. Musicians: Cheryl Leonard, Daniel Berkman, Cliff Neighbors, Felix Macnee. Director of Photography Scott Wilson.


Choreography Demo 2010


Just Off

In collaboration with Dandelion Dancetheater

Just Off from Eric Kupers on Vimeo.

“Just Off” by Dandelion Dancetheater and Rajendra Serber.



Speed from Eric Kupers on Vimeo.

“Speed” by Eric Kupers, Rajendra Serber, Dandelion Dancetheater, CSU East Bay Department of Theatre and Dance and Clausen House.


Article SF360

Kira Sugar High

There’s a nice article about my work on sf360. Read all about it…



This is the video I directed for The Residents’ The Commercial DVD in 2005.