Rajendra Serber makes choreography for stage and screen. In 2012 his latest film was presented on Dances Made to Order. Dance Mission presented his live choreography in on their stage in San Francisco in 2011. He was awarded the DANCE MOViES Commissions for a new dance film which premiered in 2010. This work was developed in residency at San Francisco Film Society's FilmHouse and the Choreographers in Mentorship Exchange award. He was the Associate Producer of House of Dance, which was broadcast bimonthly on San Francisco's public access channel. His work for stage has been supported by grants form the Zellerbach Family Fund, had residencies at The LAB and 848 Community Space, and was nominated for multiple Isadora Duncan Awards and Lester Horton Dance Awards. He has collaborated on new works which were presented in San Francisco, Berlin and Paris. He has performed in the choreography of Sara Shelton Mann, Scott Wells and collaborated on choreography for film with Dandelion Dancetheater, and multimedia presentations with The Residents.